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报告题目Integrated Modeling of Ecohydrological Processes in the Middle and Lower Heihe River Basin 
报  告 人郑春苗 教授


主 持 人张凡 研究员    

地    点:青藏高原研究所办公楼 915 会议室

时    间2014年11月28日(星期五)15:00-17:00  


郑春苗教授于1988年获得美国威斯康星(麦迪逊)大学水文地质博士学位。现任北京大学讲席教授、北京大学水资源研究中心主任。发表了专著5部,包括Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling (1995初版; 2002再版; 2009中文版),及论文150多篇,内容涉及水文过程模拟、地下水污染机理、以及水资源可持续利用。现任或担任过国际水资源领域知名刊物(Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology, Ground Water & Hydrogeology Journal)的副主编、美国国家研究理事会(NRC)水文科学核心小组成员、国际水文科协(IAHS)国际地下水委员会主席。荣誉包括美国地质学会Fellow、美国地下水协会John Hem杰出贡献奖、美国地质学会Birdsall-Dreiss杰出讲席奖。因为他对水文地质学和地下水科学的卓越贡献,郑春苗教授于2013年同时获得美国地质学会O.E. Meinzer奖(国际水文地质界最高荣誉)及美国地下水协会M. King Hubbert奖(该协会最高科学奖)。 


Northwest China is characterized by an arid climate and fragile ecosystems. The sustainability of irrigated agriculture and economic development in the region is threatened by severe eco-environmental problems as a consequence of both climate changes and human activities. This presentation discusses an integrated hydrological-ecological study being conducted in the Heihe River Basin in northwest China whose overall objective is to identify sustainable water resources management strategies through fundamental research based on comprehensive ecohydrological observations and integrated process modeling. The presentation will highlight the scientific issues, conceptual and numerical challenges in the integrated modeling of basin-scale hydrological-ecological processes under a changing climate and intensifying human activities.  

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