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第122期环境实验室“学术前沿讲座 ”
  报告题目: 1. Paleoclimate Dynamics: Synthesis of Modelling and Data 

            2. Abrupt climate shifts during Glacials: a coherent concept  

  报 告 人Gerrit Lohmann;  张旭

   主 持 人 苏凤阁 研究员 

       青藏高原研究所办公楼 915 会议室 

      20141023日(周四) 10:00-12:00 


  Prof. Gerrit Lohmann’s research interests are in Earth system modeling, paleoclimate variability, and theoretical aspects in Earth system analysis. A focus of research is to identify driving mechanisms for paleo and future climate change. This is done through conceptual and numerical models of the Earth system, as well as statistical analysis of instrumental and proxy data.  

  Zhang Xu’s research interests are in Climate Sciences, Paleo-climate Dynamics. During glacial periods of the Late Pleistocene, an abundance of proxy data demonstrates the existence of large and repeated millennial-scale warming episodes, known as DansgaardOeschger (DO) events. The study provide a coherent concept for understanding the recorded millennial-scale variability and abrupt climate changes in the coupled atmosphere–ocean system, as well as their linkages to the volume of the intermediate ice sheets during glacials.  


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