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应我所大陆碰撞与高原隆升重点实验室的邀请,麻省理工学院Thomas Robert Benson博士前来我所交流并作学术报告。

报告题目: Determining the quality of geothermal energy resources using multiple geophysical and geological methods

报 告 人: Dr. Thomas Robert Benson

      Massachusetts Institute of Technology

   主 持 人:赵俊猛研究员

时   间:2010年8月17日(星期二)上午10:00点

地   点:青藏所二楼会议室


As global dependence on fossil fuels increases along with their negative impacts on the climate, we need to be looking for alternative and sustainable sources of energy. One such "green" energy is geothermal energy, or energy derived from heat in the earth's interior. Geothermal energy currently plays only a very minor role in the global energy portfolio; less than 1% of the world's energy production comes from geothermal sources.
In order for geothermal energy to play a larger role in the future of energy, research and development must focus on the most promising resources. In order to determine these resources, a variety of geophysical and geological methods can be used. Incorporating seismic, GIS, EM, heat flow, gravity and geochemical data in a comprehensive resource assessment can help to identify locations of high geothermal potential as well as location-specific details about their subsurface structure. This talk will offer a general background on geothermal energy and will discuss ongoing work at MIT's Earth Resources Laboratory to determine the resource potential of a geothermal site in Cove Fort, Utah, United States.
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